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what would i be?

what would my photography be, without this marvelous child?
she’s always up for a play…my sweet girl.

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Tori Piercy - Wow, she is such a stunner! Gorgeous pictures Desi!

Brandi-lee - AMAZING work, love the effects, just beautiful!!

Jeanette - Beautiful!! She looks so big in the second one.

Kara Layfield - STUNNING!!! That first just captures me. She’s beautiful Desi…and so is your photography!

Leiba Bernstein - She is so beautiful Desi and I LOVE what you did with that lens!

Julie Wagoner - Amazing!! Your artistic eye is wonderful, Desi, and I am always amazed by your captures of your beautiful daughter.

Krissy Allori - Wow, great photos. A nice break from the norm and a treat for the eyes. Very cool.

Leah Jent - Beautiful! I love the second one!

Emily - Gorgeous! Love the effect that you gave to these…it sets the mood perfectly!

Michelle Geis - Oh how I love these shots!

Laura - Desi You are not only a photographer but also an artist. What a magical touch you have! Love your work…especially these shots. sigh..

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