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Yummy Mummy!

here’s a gorgeous young couple who are about to become parents.
this young lady is very close to my heart.
good luck you two

can’t wait to meet baby!

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ashley - Wow! This is one gorgeous mommy to be! The fourth one is my fav…..just perfect!

Jen Gasper - Desi, these are perfect. They are so beautiful and what love they show between the two of them! Wish I looked that good in all my pregnant glory! LOL!

Shannon Treadway - Beautiful mom to be! Beautiful images for them to remeber this amazing time in their life!

Kathleen - WOW – you have such an amazing eye. Everything you create really is ART!

Clarice - Very cool maternity session!

Dawn Kitley - Great job, Desi. What a way to make memories!

Carrie - So intimate and artistic! Really, really beautiful Desi!

Brandi-lee - Well done on a gorgeous session Desi. Mum to be is lovely and you’ve captured her perfectly.

Kara Layfield - Amazing Desi!! You are super talented! Mom looks amazing!!

Julie Wagoner - Wow, beautiful maternity session. The mom is stunning and so are the images. Can’t wait to see the newborn images!

Tori Piercy - Wow these are gorgeous! Stunning couple too. Wowser Desi- beautifully done!

Danielle Frank - Beautiful! I love the last one!

Amy - Gorgeous Mommy.. can’t wait to see the baby.

amy - beautiful!!

Kelly Mack - Wow these are just amazing!

Kristin - Beautiful images Desi. I love your work.

Anelle - Desi, these are LOVELY!

Krissy Allori - These are so gorgeous! I love the passion.

Laura - These are all beautiful but that last one is beyond lovely. It is stunning!

Sylvia Borgo - WOW! Stunning mommy-to-be!!

Leiba Bernstein - Oh wow! Stunning! What an awesome connection you captured between the couple!

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