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children portrait photography I bloemfontein


Always Be You Tiful

Beautiful in thoughts
Beautiful in your deeds
Beautiful in everything you do…

Be You


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Marlise Burger - Oh I just Love Love Love these Desi!!! Simply gorgeous photos and love the editing on these! Well done lady!

Carrie - Your images always stop me in my tracks!! These are just divine!!

Laura - I am sitting here having difficulty finding the rights words to accurately express how beautiful your work is. I can say, “gorgeous”, “divine”, “awesome”, “inspiring”, “perfection”, “incredible” and the words just seem to fall short. Please know though that I am head over heels in love with not only this session you posted but all of your work. You are truly an artist that deserves notice.

Laura - Desi, your work really does stand out to me as some of the most gorgeous art I have ever seen. You are more than a photographer. You are an artist. Your work is magical. Love love love love LOVE.

Barbara - beautiful and classic Desi.

Anelle - Desi, I feel like Laura! I feel that no words can do this justice! BEAUTIFUL work! BE YOU TIFUL!

Michelle G - Beautiful, lovely, gorgeous work Desi!

Kristin - Oh my goodness. Definitely BE YOU TIFUL!! I just adore these Desi. Such a perfectly wonderful, styled shoot. Gorgeous lighting and you rock these!

Amber A - WOW. Really, that’s all I’ve got because these leave me utterly speechless. Amazing!!

Liat Biderovsky - Absolutely stunning Desi! I love them all!

Kara Layfield - You are a true artist!! Love these to pieces!!

Anna - oh my word Desi – these are STUNNING!!!! Jaw dropping gorgeous!!

Clarice - These are so beautiful! I love them!

Claire Hunter - You so such beautiful work Desi. I am a huge fan of your style.

Priya - very cute…. nice

Sylvia Borgo - Desi, your work is simply scrumptious. This little lady melts my heart EVERY TIME I see her in photos. Just perfect!

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